ODO: 325,755
After two weeks of work, it’s time to start the journey back to our real life. But first! Our favorite, a quick stop over in Medford for the weekend. We pack up, say our goodbyes and catch an Uber to the airport. This turns out to be the scariest Uber ride ever. The driver has a hard time following his directions, stops several time in traffic and on exit ramps, gets lost at the terminal, and ends up back on the freeway leaving the airport! By the time we get turned around and dropped off, both of us are fairly frazzled, and thankful to be alive. Decompressing on the curb, we receive a text that our flight has been cancelled due to weather. This seems reasonable since San Francisco has its first ever tornado warning a few hours later. There is a Marriot near the airport, so we hand over some points in exchange for a room with a view of the runway.
As we head for the shuttle bus back to the airport the “delayed flight” texts start. Lucky for us we’re close enough to go back to our room to wait. And wait. And wait. When we finally board the airport shuttle, we are cutting it close, and by the time we are through security we’re cutting it even closer. There may have been some running. We got to the gate in time to find out our flight has been delayed yet again! Which we were pretty happy about this time. Almost twenty four hours behind schedule we finally walk out of the Medford airport and into the waiting hugs of our friends. And to a surprise Thanksgiving dinner!
Since we lost a day, there is no time for activities, only chatting, hanging out, reminiscing, hugging and eating food before we head back to the airport in the evening. Yes, we were only in Medford for around thirty hours.
We start at midnight. Why do we always start at midnight? Our flight path is Medford – back to San Francisco – Houston – Panama City – Cali. We spend roughly ten hours in the air. And we are exhausted when we land. Our Uber to the hotel can’t arrive soon enough. We are in bed before 8pm.
An attempt is made at sleeping in, but not too much because we need to get on this time zone. We have gone from PST to EST. Being in Cali with not much to do gives us time to get started on renewing our Colombia insurance (it expired while we were gone), and getting the truck an appointment at a local offroad shop. Our 4 wheel drive hasn’t been working for some time, and we feel a little lost without that feature. Or we miss the trouble having 4WD let’s us get into….